Introducing The List
Back when blogs were still known as 'web logs,' just when the internet was fast realising it could be a superhighway for opinions as well as information, I had a not-very-original idea.
I wanted to set up a website on which I would expound my many and varied thoughts on movies, music, literature, sports, and pop culture in general. I would gain a cult underground following, critics would be impressed by my punchy, yet lyrical prose, offers to write professionally would roll in, I'd be invited to movie premieres, women would want me and men would want to be me.
Needless to say, due to various factors outside my control, it didn't work out that way.
Cut to modern day. Finding myself at a loose end and wanting a project to keep me occupied on weekends, I revisited the idea of imposing my opinions on an otherwise unsuspecting 'public'. And by virtue of your sheer bad luck in reading this blog, when I write 'public', I really mean 'you'.
So I'm starting The List. The List will be a weekly list of ten things (for want of a better word), linked by a single topic related to whatever I deem interesting enough to want to write about. Usually, this will be movies, music, or current affairs.
I don't want to think of The List as a 'top ten' or 'bottom ten' - that would presume some kind of hierarchical system that I have absolutely no interest in creating, maintaining or justifying ("I can't believe you think Commando has better Arnie one-liners than Predator!"). Neither will The List ever be a retelling of boring-as-fuck anecdotes. I want The List to be about opinions, not experiences.
Something I wrote sticks in your craw? Even better, something I wrote sparks your interest? Comments? Requests? Death threats? Please leave a comment. If you're too shy for that, feel free to email me at
Anyway, first instalment is coming up. Hope you enjoy it.
Back when blogs were still known as 'web logs,' just when the internet was fast realising it could be a superhighway for opinions as well as information, I had a not-very-original idea.
I wanted to set up a website on which I would expound my many and varied thoughts on movies, music, literature, sports, and pop culture in general. I would gain a cult underground following, critics would be impressed by my punchy, yet lyrical prose, offers to write professionally would roll in, I'd be invited to movie premieres, women would want me and men would want to be me.
Needless to say, due to various factors outside my control, it didn't work out that way.
Cut to modern day. Finding myself at a loose end and wanting a project to keep me occupied on weekends, I revisited the idea of imposing my opinions on an otherwise unsuspecting 'public'. And by virtue of your sheer bad luck in reading this blog, when I write 'public', I really mean 'you'.
So I'm starting The List. The List will be a weekly list of ten things (for want of a better word), linked by a single topic related to whatever I deem interesting enough to want to write about. Usually, this will be movies, music, or current affairs.
I don't want to think of The List as a 'top ten' or 'bottom ten' - that would presume some kind of hierarchical system that I have absolutely no interest in creating, maintaining or justifying ("I can't believe you think Commando has better Arnie one-liners than Predator!"). Neither will The List ever be a retelling of boring-as-fuck anecdotes. I want The List to be about opinions, not experiences.
Something I wrote sticks in your craw? Even better, something I wrote sparks your interest? Comments? Requests? Death threats? Please leave a comment. If you're too shy for that, feel free to email me at
Anyway, first instalment is coming up. Hope you enjoy it.
LOLOMGWTF!1!!B357 IN73RN375 5173 3VA! YOU ARE TEH GHEY!1!.
Hmm. Thanks?
Like what you've done with the place so far. Keep up the good work!
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